Friday, December 16, 2011

Pizza Extravaganza!!

and now, for a change of pace:

Usually Friday is take-out night, but last Friday I was able to get out of work a half an hour early and Chris and I decided we should actually make something since we've been doing very little cooking as of late. We decided to make pizzas, and below outlines our ingredients - all of which were purchased at Wegmans for approximately $45. The following makes FOUR LARGE PIZZAS, with a week's left of leftovers.

Onion (white), large -  sliced as desired, uncooked
Shitake mushrooms - tops only, lightly washed/dried in a paper towel, sauteed with truffle and olive oil 
Italian sausage - taken out of casing, broken into bite-sized pieces, and browned in a frying pan
Broccoli - sliced into bite-sized, crowns only, blanched 
Basil/Pesto mix (comes in an easy to squeeze tube!)

Cento Whole Tomatoes (large)
Cento tomato paste (small)

Sauce was started first and left to simmer over low heat while the rest of the ingredients were being prepared. Whole tomatoes were sliced up (so that they still retained a tomato flavor). The spices were added (see list below) with a heavy emphasis on depth of flavor. Hence, lots of middle of the road flavor (garlic/onion/pepper) and some salt to balance the natural sweetness from the paste. It was important to create a sauce that would go well with both meat-heavy pizzas and vegetarian ones. 

Gouda (aged 18 months)
Wegman's "pizza" mix (still not sure what's in it or what makes it a pizza mix)
Blue Cheese - (Note: we bought this, but no one ended up using it. Hence, it's not in the pictures.) 

Garlic Powder
Minced Garlic
Onion Powder
Black Pepper

Oven was preheated to 425 degrees. Each pizza varied slightly in baking times, depending on the ingredients, but overall super quick at a reasonable 10-15 minutes.  And the result? Whimsical, personalized, pizzas at a great value.  $45/ 4 people = $11.25 per person for a Friday night meal. See how gorgeous they came out below! 

Italian Sausage, Broccoli, Mixed Cheeses 

Sausage, Onion, topped with a layer of Mixed Cheese (heavy Mozzarella)

ANGRY PIZZA, is angry (Sausage, Mixed Cheese, Sausage, and Two Broccoli Florets)   

Shiitake Mushrooms, Broccoli, Mozzarella/Gouda, Truffle, Pesto

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